Introducing Inner Bay Brewery
2nd June 2016
We are delighted that for the first time ever our beer will be available to the public at the Rotary Club Dalgety Bay Beer Festival 2016. The following introduction will be published in the Beer Festival Guide.
Inner Bay Brewery is show casing its beer to the public for the first time at the Dalgety Bay Beer Festival. So who are Inner Bay and what are they about ?
The concept of starting the brewery began about 2 years ago, explains one of the company’s founders, Kate Russell. “I was looking for a project that would provide a work/family balance as well as make use of my microbiological background and managerial skills.” Husband, Jed Martens, was an avid homebrewer, so after much discussion (and perhaps, they admit, one too many home brewed ales) they decided to join the craft brewing scene.
Inner Bay Brewery was named after the inlet in the Inverkeithing Harbour, which the brewery site overlooks. “It has been a labour of love preparing the site, commissioning the 1 barrel (160 litre) plant, attending courses, getting to know the brewing scene, meeting legal requirements and of course, perfecting recipes”, says Kate. “Therefore, we a delighted to see it finally come to fruition.”
Inner Bay Brewery focuses on traditional, balanced styles of beer. “We also keep the bittering light – a little is important for the full complexity of flavours, but I find a delicate level keeps the beer more rounded and enjoyable”, says Kate. “A love of good food also keeps us thinking about what beer to brew to enhance different dishes, particularly those that don’t go well with wine. So watch this space for a rich, dark ale to complement chocolate”.
And to the future…? To date, the focus has been on R&D brewing and process development. As this phase nears completion, brewing volume will be scaled up, along with sales and distribution. As well, they have a few more ideas to increase the range of ales, promoting the brewery’s self proclaimed style of ‘elegant aroma and flavour from the harmonious blend of malt, hops and yeast’.